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Aloe Vera : Properties and Benefits

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Aloe vera plant is a succulent, with large fleshy leaves and serrated edges, of green color. It has been known and used for millennia because it is an extraordinary phytocomplex that gives great benefits for well-being and health.

The ALOE VERA GEL WITH HEALING TOUCH , 100% natural aloe vera gel : the basis for the creation of skin sanitizers. Aloe Vera Extract moisturizes and nourishes the skin, has a calming effect on irritated areas of the skin.
Effective cleansing . Aloe Vera Gel gently and thoroughly cleanses the skin, creating a feeling of cleanliness and comfort. Prevents the formation of dryness, makes skin soft, fills her with nutrients.
Moisturizer skin. As part of gel, aloe vera extract and a dead sea minerals that provide the the optimal moisture level. As a result, the skin is moisturized and firm, without a feeling of tightness.
Smooth skin. Aloe Vera Gel contains a plethora of antioxidants and nutrients including beta carotene, Vitamin C and E, which increase skin elasticity and prevent premature aging.

Healing and therapeutic properties

The aloe vera juice mainly contains anthraquinone glycosides by the action laxative and purgative and is used in case of constipation, constipation and sluggish bowel .Anthraquinones in fact have an irritating action on the intestinal mucosa, stimulating peristalsis and, consequently, fecal evacuation.  Anthraquinone drugs such as aloe should be used in moderation and only occasionally as, taken for long periods, they can impair intestinal function.The aloe vera gel, on the other hand, is rich in mucilage and is used for external use in the treatment of various dermatological and oral problems and, internally , for gastric disorders.

  • For topical use , aloe vera gel is known for its anti-inflammatory properties , and for its moisturizing, refreshing and healing action . It is used in case of dermatitis , psoriasis , burns, wounds and sores, but also for the treatment of dry and damaged skin and in case of sunburn or to relieve itching and swelling caused by insect bites and hives . In fact, the skin application of aloe gel helps to soothe inflammation, pain and redness and speeds up healing and scarring . Rinses of the oral cavity with aloe gel can instead be useful to soothe the pain caused by gingivitis , stomatitis and canker sores . The vaginal mucosa can also benefit from aloe vera gel washes in case of inflammation, burning and itching .


  • For internal use, however, the aloe gel has a healing, anti-inflammatory and protective action on the gastic and intestinal mucosa and is useful for relieving symptoms related to gastric ulcer and ulcerative colitis.   The oral intake of aloe juice is contraindicated in pregnancy , during lactation and in children under the age of 12 years. Aloe must not be administered in case of inflammatory bowel diseases , before surgery and in any case its use must not be extended beyond 7 days. The internal use of aloe gel can interfere with the absorption of nutrients and drugs, so it is good to consult your doctor if you are following any therapies.All the beneficial effects of aloe

Purifying : it is able to detoxify the body from toxins. The saccharides present in the gel adhere to the walls of the intestine forming a protective barrier that prevents the absorption of harmful substances.

Laxative : aloe is a precious ally of the digestive system: it stimulates the bacterial flora and promotes the elimination of waste, improving the absorption of nutrients.

Strengthens the immune system : the gel also contains acemannan, a sugar with antiviral, anti-inflammatory and above all anticancer properties. This substance is able to regulate immune responses to infectious or sensitizing agents, as in the case of allergies or autoimmune diseases.

Cicatrizing : quality due to the presence of polysaccharides derived from mannose, which stimulate the activity of macrophages, enhance the synthesis of collagen, increase cell regeneration.

Coagulant : aloe is able to quickly repair tissues and membranes, which is why it is used not only on burns but also on wounds, eczema and blisters, to accelerate healing.

Soothing : offers immediate relief from mosquito and other insect bites, jellyfish and even nettle bites. Its soothing power also extends to burns, both from fire and those from excessive exposure to the sun.

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